NN4SA – The Marshall Space Flight Center Amateur Radio Club
Welcome to the home of the Marshall Amateur Radio Club. Our club station is located on the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL. We are the official club of the Marshall Space Flight Center but our membership is open to anyone with access to Redstone including NASA and Army Civil Service, contractors, and retirees.
We are an active club which organizes and participates in frequent special events such as NASA On The Air, Field Days, and various contests. Club members have access to the club station and equipment anytime for casual operating, DXing and contesting.
During 2023 we are active with several special events for the year-long NASA On The Air event which includes many other NASA centers.
Further info is available here: NASA on The Air (NOTA) and scores are available here: NOTA Scores
Please visit our QRZ Page for QSL information
Club Meetings
Monthly Membership Meetings
Held on the first Thursday of each month: virtual via Zoom at 7:00pm.
Monthly Social Meetings
We also usually have social meetings on the third Thursday of each month at the club station Building 4622, 4:30 pm and 7:00 pm via Zoom for those who are not able to make the in-person meeting The in-person meeting can include working on projects around the station, demos and training on station equipment and general operating and eyeball QSOs.
Club Location – Building 4622, MSFC-Redstone Arsenal
Click to see where the club is located: Bldg. 4622 – Map location This is just west of the south end of Rideout road. Just look for the 100 foot tower.
NN4SA remote online volunteer examiner(VE) team info
The Marshall Amateur Radio club leads a conglomerate of NASA amateur radio clubs including Goddard Space Flight Center , Kennedy Space Center and Ames Research Center.
The NN4SA Team operates under the auspices of the Central Alabama Volunteer Exam Coordinator (CAVEC) and our Exams are conducted online via Zoom , if you would like to register for one of our sessions please visit :
If you have questions about the club e-mail us at nn4sa@arrl.net